Saturday, March 30, 2013


If you couldn't have guessed, this one is about the gay marriage.

I recently discovered that I am in fact quite passionate about this issue. It took me entirely be surprise. And the catalyst for this sudden burning passion is the arguments against it. Or to put it much more accurately, the complete lack of arguments against it. There is no compelling case against it. There is no logic that can be backed by anything quantifiable.

There is no research to support the idea that gays marrying will do anything more than having an increase in married gays. There is nothing wrong with having more committed relationships. There is nothing wrong with having children raised by homosexual couples. As long as they create a stable living arrangement for the children to live within who give two flying shits about the manner in which their genitals interlock.

There are some accurate statements. Same sex couples do not produce babies. That is a point we will concede. But you know what the one thing that we have in a comfortable excess? Children without stable homes. Hundreds of thousands of children are without caretakers. They sit and wait for there to be more loving, stable homes that do not come. If we can do anything to give them homes that will love them, we as moral and ethical people should do whatever it takes to let these children have homes with the resources to care for them.

There are no accidental or unwanted children when you can't have your own. That's one of those safe guards put into the system itself. They won't allow just anyone to adopt. Which makes it a much better safeguard against bad situations than heterosexual couples as far as I'm concerned.

The one that is used the most these days, is the religious argument. Which when you're talking about a legal and civil matter is utterly meaningless. Your God has no place in the formation of laws. My Gods have no place in the creation of laws. They can inspire us and give us small guidance and comfort but law should be based in what's best for the most number of people, while avoiding tyranny both of the majority and the tyrant. They shouldn't be based on rules and moral systems for a completely different world.

The world lives and changes. We recognize that there are different rules for our children than there were for our parents. It is a completely different world out there. If your God created the universe then he would have to understand that. And hell Mormonism even admits that with the idea of a living prophet. But those that currently hold that seat are from a completely different world than the one we live in and should have no more say in this then their individual vote.

Now, what I'm about to say will offend, and at this point, I don't care. If your God created the universe and all that inhabit it. That means that he made people predisposed to same sex attraction and all of the physical and genetic markers that that would entail. So following this logic, God would know you're gay. He made you. If He's all knowing then he's aware of your preference. He gave that gift. And He believes that sex outside of marriage is the most horrible of sins.

So he has created a class of people who he has knowingly and willingly damned. Because that attraction is innate to them, and they have no means of fulfilling it without falling to sin. I can think of fewer more painful hells than being trapped in an endless battle with your own flesh. That may just be me, but that doesn't sound like the actions of a kind deity.

The argument against gay marriage is at best a handle with no sword. It's comfortable to the hand and the scabbard is pretty to look upon, but once it's drawn out there's nothing to it. It's myth and bluster.

And I deal in myth, bluster, and the grand shell game of the Gods. So don't pretend you can fool me.

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