Each one is a beautiful bright point in a sky otherwise appearing black and lifeless. Each one is like our sun. Trapped forever in the battle between nuclear flame pushing outwards and the unimaginable intense gravity of the core. It is a conflict that we can only understand through metaphor and story because the sheer scope of these forces are things we could never hope to effect.
But despite the fact that these forces are so grand and intense they could make the gods themselves quake in fear there is a point we tiny mortals have in common with them.
They end.
The nuclear fire will die out and the gravity will tear the star apart. The star will die. Its corpse will be torn to innumerable pieces and scattered to the void...
Endings are always hard on some level. It's a shift from things we know to things we don't. Some deal with it well. Even crave the shifting nature of the world. Change is the only unchanging thing. And despite my chaotic nature I'm not one that tends to deal well with change. And recently I've had a lot of it hit me.
I've left a place I loved. The first job that I ever looked forward to going to. One where I felt like I had a true (if hesitant) place. But funding is tight and as a diabetic with mental health challenges, I need full time resources and insurance. Sad as it is I've had to depart from that place.
The other thing ending was the marvelous play I was a part of. That one was expected. It is the nature of the thing. Like beautiful drawings left to the sand, such is the way of theater. At it's best it is a profound thing and the only living art, because it exists solely in the moment it is happening. It is never like it was before or will be again. Theater exists within the unique magic of a moment. And it is remembered not replayed.
So that second end is perhaps a prettier thing.
But it doesn't make it any easier to let it go. So I look to the stars for guidance. Because it is in the crucible of a dying sun that the manifold particles of our creation come into being. All of life exists because of the end of a stars life cycle.
When everything feels like it's exploding, ending, and dying around you; remember that once it cools you'll have the stardust required to fashion your new world. Create something new.
It's all just stardust anyway.
But despite the fact that these forces are so grand and intense they could make the gods themselves quake in fear there is a point we tiny mortals have in common with them.
They end.
The nuclear fire will die out and the gravity will tear the star apart. The star will die. Its corpse will be torn to innumerable pieces and scattered to the void...
Endings are always hard on some level. It's a shift from things we know to things we don't. Some deal with it well. Even crave the shifting nature of the world. Change is the only unchanging thing. And despite my chaotic nature I'm not one that tends to deal well with change. And recently I've had a lot of it hit me.
I've left a place I loved. The first job that I ever looked forward to going to. One where I felt like I had a true (if hesitant) place. But funding is tight and as a diabetic with mental health challenges, I need full time resources and insurance. Sad as it is I've had to depart from that place.
The other thing ending was the marvelous play I was a part of. That one was expected. It is the nature of the thing. Like beautiful drawings left to the sand, such is the way of theater. At it's best it is a profound thing and the only living art, because it exists solely in the moment it is happening. It is never like it was before or will be again. Theater exists within the unique magic of a moment. And it is remembered not replayed.
So that second end is perhaps a prettier thing.
But it doesn't make it any easier to let it go. So I look to the stars for guidance. Because it is in the crucible of a dying sun that the manifold particles of our creation come into being. All of life exists because of the end of a stars life cycle.
When everything feels like it's exploding, ending, and dying around you; remember that once it cools you'll have the stardust required to fashion your new world. Create something new.
It's all just stardust anyway.
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