Saturday, February 2, 2013


We each carry secrets.

Feelings that we're afraid to let see the light.

Masks we wear but are ashamed that we do.

Or sometimes the things under our masks are that which we cannot share. The secrets tattooed on our hearts.

I don't have many. But I have a few. Thoughts that have crossed my mind. Momentary desires that dance across a tired brain. Is it okay? It is alright to hide things from the harsh light of an uncaring world? Maybe. But regardless, we must. In our very existence there are things that must be our alone.

The heart of the matter. There are things that we keep beneath the protection of our skin. The color of your lungs in the light is something that very few people should ever see. There are some aspects of our personalities that are the very same. They are integral to who we are. They are important parts of how we function, think, and love. But that doesn't mean we should be pulling them out and letting them flop around under the light of an uncaring Sun.

Sometimes it's best if we keep our secrets to ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Secrets, my friend, though unearthly horrible in their unequal demise, serve to better our character through their driven forging of our hearts.
