Grandmother Chaos
I call to thee
Bless us
With the Wisdom of Fools
And the Stupidity of Sages
Fill us with the Mercy of your Fury
And the Horror of your Embrace
Let all we learn stand as Testament
To your deep and apathetic Love
Let us bask in the beauty of your daughters
Eris of the Golden Apple
Kali of the Blade and Skull
And Science most beloved.
May they guide us
Or not
As is your whim and want
Grandmother Chaos
I call to thee.
I am not a creature of Order.
I mean I have a code I live by. I'm not maliciously destructive. Mostly. Well... sometimes. But I seem to have an entropic aura about me. Broken things last longer then they should. Things break in unexpected ways. I just that I am a force for Entropy in the universe.
So much so that the idea that I need to keep something orderly and organized causes me much more stress then I can easily explain. Because that's not the case for everyone else. Most of the people I know and interact with feel better about life when everything is neat and tidy. My mother for example has been known to have panic attacks when the clutter level reaches critical mass.
But for me... I like a chaotic environment. That's not to say that I don't know where everything is. I can generally tell you or find for you in moments whatever it is you need.
It's in the big pile.
I used to call it the Dragon's Lair Method of Organization. Which I'd trademark, but that would be stupid. Basically it's all sort of in a big pile. Which means that I know where everything is at all times. It's in the pile.
This drove many people who've lived with me nuts. And I sincerely wish that it was any other way, but it's not. It's that tie to Chaos. And the fact that Gremlins just think I am the coolest thing ever. But that's another bit of Madness.
When dealing with some of the more fanatical of Christians I will sometime joke that I "accepted Chaos as my personal savior". It's a simple way to express my Discordian values (something I only learned about recently). I believe that everybody's right. And that nobody is. Every lie is true. And every truth is a lie. I believe that simplicity is the most beautiful fallacy that can ever be experienced.
Everything is complicated.
Picture the most amazingly colossally stupid individual you possibly can. This moron you've conjured, he (or she girls can be just a impressively stupid as men you pig!) is made of particles created in the burning crucible of the stars. Through the tides of chaos these particles mashed together until after who knows how long or far they travelled they become that tree-hugging, gun-toting, bible thumping, gay marriage supporting jackass that you see in front of you.
They are a miracle.
And without entropy, without Grandmother Chaos, they wouldn't exist at all. All things can be boiled down to Energy and Entropy as far as I see it. (They're metaphors for things we're only beginning to understand, just to be clear)
Chaos and Void.
Two sides of the same thing.
And only in their glorious and beautiful battle does all of creation exist. All that we do is fight against entropy. It's a futile war. We'll never win. The universe will run out of energy and all that we know will be lost to the Cold.
And not the put on an extra jacket cold.
The capitol C Cold. The one that I'm sure Kevin saw in his nightmares.
But... we know this. Death is coming for us. Invariably. Nations and amoebas. Whenever two bits of quanta decided to hang out together they're destined to be torn apart.
And that's so gloriously beautiful.
Because it keeps happening. Over and over again. The systems build and strive. We turn our minds to combating the endless onslaught of entropy and by strive against we create anew. New systems. New life.
Thank you Grandmother Chaos
For battling the Void
For from your spilt Blood
And splintered Bone
have we made our homes
Our Loves
And our Lives
Thank you